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101 Local SEO for dummies: a malaysian guide

Local SEO is making waves in the digital marketing world, and there’s a good reason for it. By honing in on a specific geographical area, businesses can target potential customers more accurately, compete effectively with larger corporations, and ultimately drive more growth.

Let’s go further to understand this SEO magic and how it can benefit businesses in Malaysia.

Understanding the Basics of Local SEO

To simplify, Local SEO is a subset of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) that focuses on optimising a website to be found in local search results. Essentially, it’s a strategy that helps your business be more visible in local searches on Google and other search engines.

Unlocking the Business Advantages of Local SEO

Local SEO offers numerous benefits to business, especially small business that operate on a regional level, as opposed to nationwide.

Unpacking the Details

Local SEO strategies can increase visibility for business in local search results, making you more visible to potential prospects in your area. Increased visibility leads to more traffic, more leads, and ultimately, more revenue. It’s all about getting the right message in front of the right people at the right time.

Local SEO vs Organic SEO: What Sets Them Apart?

While the overall goal of Local SEO and Organic SEO is the same – to rank highly in search results – the strategies used are slightly different. Organic SEO is broader and focuses on ranking high on search results for specific keywords nationwide or globally, while Local SEO narrows down to target local customers in specific geographical areas.

seo vs local seo malaysia

Industries That Will Benefit Most from Local SEO

Local SEO is beneficial for all businesses, but it’s particularly valuable for businesses with physical locations, such as retail stores, healthcare providers, and service-area businesses like plumbers or electricians.

10 Proven Local SEO Strategies for Top-Ranking Success

Local SEO might sound complex, but with the correct strategies, you can boost your business’s local search visibility.

1. Optimise Your Google Business Profile

create a google business profile in malaysia 2023

Claiming and optimising your Google Business Profile (GBP) is the first step to improving your local SEO. Follow these steps to maximise your listing’s potential:

  1. Visit the Google Business Profile website and click on “Start Now” to create or claim your business listing.

  2. Provide accurate business information:

    • Enter your business name exactly as it appears on your storefront or website.
    • Input your complete address, including street name, city, and postal code.
    • Include a local phone number that customers can use to contact you.
    • Add your website URL to direct users to your online presence.
  3. Choose relevant categories and attributes:

    • Select primary and secondary categories that best represent your business.
    • Specify attributes that describe your products, services, and unique features.
    • This helps Google to understand your business and displays to the correct audience.
  4. Add high-quality images and videos:

    • Upload visually appealing photos that showcase your products, services, and premises.
    • Include images of your team, products, interior, exterior, and any other relevant visuals.
    • Upload videos that provide an overview of your business or demonstrate your offerings.
  5. Craft a compelling business description:

    • Write a concise and engaging description of your business.
    • Highlight your unique selling points, key services, and what sets you apart from competitors.
    • Incorporate relevant keywords to improve your visibility in local searches.
  6. Encourage customers to leave reviews:

    • Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your GBP.
    • Respond to reviews, both positive and negative, to show your commitment to customer satisfaction.
    • Engage with customers’ feedback to build trust and credibility.

2. Focus on Local Keywords

To optimise your website for local keywords, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Conduct keyword research: Start by conducting thorough keyword research to identify relevant local keywords for your business. Consider specific location-based keywords that potential customers in your target area are likely to search for.

  2. Identify high-value keywords: Use keyword research tools such as SEMrush, Moz, or Google Keyword Planner to identify high-value local keywords with reasonable search volume and competition. Look for keywords that align with your products, services, and target audience.

  3. Choose long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords, which are longer and more specific keyword phrases, often have less competition and can attract highly targeted traffic. Include long-tail keywords that incorporate your location, products, or services in your optimisation strategy.

  4. Incorporate keywords naturally: Once you have a list of relevant keywords, incorporate them naturally into personal website content, including landing pages, blog posts, and service descriptions. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.

  5. Optimise meta tags: Optimise your website’s meta tags, including the meta title and meta description. Incorporate your targeted keywords into these tags while keeping them concise, compelling, and relevant. The meta title should be under 60 characters, and the meta description should be under 160 characters.

  6. Optimise headings: Structure your content using headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) and incorporate your targeted keywords into these headings. The H1 heading should be the main heading of the page and should include your primary keyword. Use H2 and H3 headings to organise subtopics and incorporate relevant keywords.

  7. Create informative and valuable content: Develop high-quality, informative content that incorporates your targeted keywords naturally. Write for your audience, providing valuable information that answers their questions and addresses their needs. Engaging content helps attract and retain visitors while signaling to search engines that your website is relevant and authorise.

  8. Optimise image alt text: Include targeted keywords in the alt text of your website’s images. Alt text helps search engines understand the content of the image and may contribute to improved visibility in image search results.

  9. Improve page load speed: Optimise your website’s load speed by compressing images, minifying code, and leveraging caching techniques. A faster website provides a better user experience and can positively impact search engine rankings.

  10. Monitor and refine: Continuously monitor the performance of your optimised website using analytics tools like Google Analytics. Track keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics. Make adjustments and refinements based on the insights you gather to further optimise your website for local keywords.

3. Creating Dedicated Local Landing Pages

wecare clinic location landing page screenshot

Creating dedicated landing pages for each location or service area is a crucial step in your local SEO strategy. Follow these steps to effectively create and optimise your local landing pages:

  1. Identify your locations or service areas: Determine the specific locations or service areas you want to target with your local SEO efforts. This could be different branches of your business or specific regions where you operate.
  2. Research localised keywords: Perform keyword research to identify relevant localised keywords for each location or service area. Focus on keywords that include the name of the location or service area along with your primary services. This will help your landing pages appearing in local search results.
  3. Develop unique landing page content: Create unique content for each landing page that highlights the specific offerings, benefits, and information related to the location or service area. Ensure that the content is informative, engaging, and optimised with the localised keywords you identified in the previous step.
  4. Optimise page titles and meta descriptions: Craft compelling page titles and meta descriptions that include the location or service area and the primary services you offer. Keep the titles under 60 characters and meta descriptions under 160 characters to ensure they display properly in search engine results.
  5. Include location-specific information: Incorporate location-specific information such as the address, phone number, and operating hours of each location or service area. This helps search engines and users understand the geographical relevance of the landing page.
  6. Implement schema markup: Enhance your local landing pages with schema markup to provide search engines with additional structured data about your business, such as the specific location or service area. This helps improve the visibility and relevancy of your landing pages in local search results.
  7. Optimise for user experience: Ensure that your local landing pages are visually appealing, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly. Optimise the page load speed to provide a seamless user experience and reduce bounce rates.
  8. Include relevant images and alt text: Incorporate high-quality images that represent each location or service area. Use descriptive alt text for the images to provide context and improve accessibility. Images can help enhance the visual appeal and credibility of your landing pages.
  9. Link to relevant internal and external resources: Include links to other relevant pages on your website, such as related services or additional information about the location. Also, consider linking to external resources such as local directories, associations, or community websites to build credibility and improve your local SEO.
  10. Monitor and refine: Regularly monitor the performance of your local landing pages using analytics tools. Analyse metrics such as page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates. Make necessary adjustments and refinements to optimise the pages for better results.

By creating dedicated local landing pages and optimising them with localised content and keywords, you can improve your visibility in local search results and attract more targeted traffic to your website. Remember to regularly update and refine your landing pages to stay ahead of the competition and cater to the evolving needs of your local audience.

4. Implementing Schema Markup

Schema markup helps search engines understand your website better. It can help increase your visibility in local search results.

  1. Understand Schema Markup: Schema markup is a structured data format that helps search engines understand the content on your website better. It provides additional context about your business, such as operating hours, customer reviews, and more.

  2. Identify Relevant Schema Types: Determine which schema types are most relevant to your business. For local businesses in Malaysia, some common schema types include LocalBusiness, MedicalBusiness, Restaurant, and Service.

  3. Choose the Appropriate Schema Properties: Within each schema type, there are specific properties you can use to provide detailed information about your business. For example, if you have a clinic, you can include properties like OpeningHours, address, telephone, reviews, and more.

  4. Add Schema Markup to Your Website: Locate the relevant sections on your website where you want to add schema markup, such as your homepage, contact page, or service pages. Insert the appropriate schema properties using Schema.org vocabulary and syntax.

  5. Use Schema Markup Generators: To make the process easier, you can use online schema markup generators. These tools allow you to select the desired schema type, fill in the relevant information, and generate the schema markup code. You can then copy and paste the code onto your website.

  6. Test and Validate Your Schema Markup: After adding the schema markup to your website, use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool or other schema markup validators to ensure that the markup is correctly implemented and error-free. This step is crucial to ensure that search engines can interpret your schema markup correctly.

  7. Monitor and Update Your Schema Markup: Regularly check your website to ensure that the schema markup is still accurate and up to date. Update it whenever there are changes to your business information, such as operating hours or contact details.

By implementing schema markup on your website, you provide search engines with valuable information about your business, which can enhance your visibility in local search results. It helps search engines understand your business better and display relevant information to users, such as rich snippets or knowledge graph panels.

Remember to keep your schema markup consistent with your Google Business Profile listing and other online directories to maintain accurate and reliable information for both search engines and potential customers.

5. Consistent NAP

Ensure your Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) is consistent across all online platforms and directories. This sends a clear signal to search engines about your location

  1. Website: Display your business name, address, and phone number prominently on your website. Place this information in the header or footer of each page to ensure it appears consistently across your site.

  2. Google Business Profile: When setting up your GBP listing, provide accurate NAP information. Ensure that your business name, address, and phone number match the details on your website. Use the same formatting and abbreviations to maintain consistency.

  3. Online Directories: Verify your business information on popular online directories specific to Malaysia. This includes directories like Yellow Pages, Yelp, and local business directories. Ensure that your NAP information matches what is displayed on your website and GBP listing.

  4. Accuracy and Avoiding Discrepancies: Double-check your NAP information for accuracy and completeness. Any discrepancies, such as misspellings, variations in formatting, or inconsistent phone numbers, can confuse search engines and potential customers. Consistency is key to establishing trust and credibility.

6. List your business on Local Directories and Listings

Enlisting your business on local directories enhances your local online presence. Besides Google, consider other platforms like Yelp, Foursquare, and Bing.

  1. Research Relevant Directories and Platforms: Start by identifying popular online directories and platforms that are specific to Malaysia. Look for directories that are reputable and widely used by local customers in your industry.

  2. Claim and Verify Your Listings: Once you’ve identified the directories and platforms you want to be listed on, proceed to claim and verify your business listings. This usually involves creating an account or claiming ownership of your business profile on each platform.

  3. Provide Accurate Business Information: Ensure that you fill out all the necessary fields and provide accurate and up-to-date information about your business. This includes your business name, address, phone number (NAP), website URL, and other relevant details. Consistency is key, so make sure the information matches what you have on your website and other online platforms.

  4. Optimise Your Profiles with Keywords: When creating your business profiles on these directories and platforms, optimise them with relevant keywords that align with your business and the services you offer. Incorporate keywords naturally in the business description, services sections, and any other relevant fields provided by the platform.

  5. Add Photos and Videos: Enhance your listings by adding high-quality images and videos that showcase your business, products, or services. Visual content not only makes your listing more appealing to potential customers but also increases engagement and helps your business stand out from competitors.

  6. Encourage Customer Reviews: Actively encourage your customers to leave reviews on these directories and platforms. Positive reviews can significantly impact your local SEO and helps to improve your ranking. Respond to reviews in a timely and professional manner to show your appreciation and engagement with customers.

  7. Monitor and Update Your Listings: Regularly monitor your business listings on these directories and platforms to ensure the information remains accurate and up to date. Update any changes in your business details promptly to avoid confusion among customers.

7. Get More (a lot) Google Reviews

Positive reviews can improve your business’s visibility and increase the likelihood that a potential customer will visit your location. Encourage happy customers to leave a review.

  1. Encourage customer satisfaction: Provide excellent service and customer experience to ensure your customers are satisfied with their interactions with your clinic.

  2. Educate customers on leaving reviews: Inform your customers about the importance of online reviews and how they can help your business. Encourage them to share their feedback on your Google Business Profile (GBP) listing and other relevant platforms.

  3. Make it easy to leave reviews: Simplify the review process by providing direct links or instructions on how to leave reviews on your GBP listing. Include clear calls-to-action in your communication channels, such as email signatures, social media posts, and website.

  4. Engage with customers personally: Establish a personal connection with your customers by addressing them by their name and thanking them for choosing your clinic. This personalised approach encourages customers to share their experiences and leave reviews.

  5. Respond promptly to reviews: Monitor your GBP listing and other platforms where your clinic is reviewed. Respond to both positive and negative reviews in a timely manner. Show appreciation for positive feedback and address any concerns or issues raised in negative reviews.

  6. Showcase commitment to customer satisfaction: When responding to reviews, demonstrate your dedication to addressing customer needs and resolving any problems they may have encountered. This showcases your commitment to excellent customer service and satisfaction.

  7. Highlight positive reviews: Share positive reviews on your website, social media platforms, and other marketing channels. This not only boosts your online reputation but also encourages other customers to leave reviews.

  8. Leverage feedback for improvement: Use the feedback provided in reviews to identify areas where you can improve your clinic’s services and address any common concerns or issues. Continuous improvement based on customer feedback helps enhance customer satisfaction and overall experience.

  9. Monitor and manage online reputation: Regularly monitor your online reputation by tracking new reviews and addressing them promptly. Implement a system to manage and respond to reviews consistently to maintain a positive online presence

8. Ensure Mobile Responsiveness

A mobile-friendly website is a must in this mobile-first world. A significant portion of local searches are conducted on mobile devices, and Google gives preference to mobile-optimised websites.

  1. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly:

    • Use a responsive design that automatically adjusts the layout and content based on the user’s device.
    • Test your website on different mobile devices and screen sizes to ensure it displays correctly.
  2. Provide an excellent user experience on smartphones and tablets:

    • Optimise your website’s navigation for mobile devices, ensuring it is easy to use with touchscreens.
    • Make buttons and links larger and spaced out to accommodate fingers and thumbs.
    • Simplify forms and input fields, minimise the need for typing on smaller screens.
    • Ensure all content is easily readable without the need for zooming.
  3. Optimise page loading speed to enhance mobile performance:

    • Compress images and use a content delivery network (CDN) to minimise loading times.
    • Minify CSS and JavaScript files to reduce file sizes and improve loading speed.
    • Enable browser caching to store certain elements of your website locally on users’ devices, reducing the need to fetch data with each visit.
    • Utilise lazy loading techniques to load images and videos only when they become visible on the screen.
    • Regularly monitor your website’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify areas for improvement.

9. Crafting Localised Content

Publishing content that is relevant to your local audience can help you rank better in local search results. This can be done through blog posts, local news, or events.

  1. Understand Your Local Audience: Conduct thorough research to understand the demographics, preferences, and interests of your local audience. Consider factors such as language, culture, and local trends.

  2. Identify Local Topics: Stay up-to-date with local news, events, and developments in your industry. This will help you identify topics that are of interest to your target audience and align with their needs.

  3. Keyword Research: Perform keyword research specific to your local area. Identify local keywords and long-tail phrases that are frequently searched by your target audience. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your content.

  4. Create Location-Specific Content: Tailor your content to specific locations or regions within Malaysia. For example, if you have multiple clinic locations, create separate blog posts or landing pages that highlight the unique aspects of each location.

  5. Write Informative and Engaging Content: Focus on creating content that educates, informs, and entertains your audience. Provide valuable insights, tips, and advice related to your industry. Use a conversational tone and engage your readers with compelling storytelling.

  6. Include Local References: Incorporate local references such as landmarks, popular attractions, or local cultural events in your content. This helps establish a sense of connection with your local audience and enhances the relevance of your content.

  7. Utilise Local Testimonials and Case Studies: Showcase success stories, testimonials, and case studies from satisfied local customers. This builds trust and credibility among your target audience and demonstrates your expertise in serving the local community.

  8. Promote Local Events and Collaborations: Highlight local events, collaborations, or partnerships that your clinic or dental clinic is involved in. This demonstrates your active participation in the local community and can attract attention from both potential customers and local influencers.

  9. Optimise Content for Local SEO: Incorporate local keywords naturally into your content, including headings, subheadings, and meta tags. Use location-specific tags and descriptions where appropriate. Optimise images with alt text that includes relevant keywords and location details.

  10. Share and Promote Your Content: Once your localised content is published, share it across your social media channels, email newsletters, and local online platforms. Engage with your audience, respond to comments, and encourage sharing to increase the visibility and reach of your content.

10. Building Local Links

Local link building is about getting other local businesses or publications to link to your website. This not only helps in SEO but also improves your business’s local credibility.

  1. Identify Relevant Local Websites: Research and identify local websites that are relevant to your industry or niche. Look for reputable websites that have a strong online presence and a good reputation among your target audience.

  2. Build Relationships: Reach out to the website owners, editors, or administrators to establish relationships. Introduce yourself and express your interest in collaborating or contributing valuable content to their platform.

  3. Provide Valuable Content: Offer to create unique and informative content that is relevant to their audience. This could be in the form of guest blog posts, expert interviews, case studies, or industry insights. Ensure that the content you provide is of high quality, well-researched, and adds value to their website.

  4. Include Relevant Backlinks: When contributing content to these websites, strategically include backlinks to your own website or specific landing pages. These backlinks should be placed naturally within the context of the content and provide additional information or resources related to the topic.

  5. Promote Your Contributions: Once your content is published on these websites, promote it through your own digital channels such as social media, email newsletters, and your website. This helps drive traffic back to the guest posts and increases the visibility and reach of your backlinks.

  6. Monitor and Engage: Keep track of the performance of your backlinks by monitoring referral traffic and search engine rankings. Engage with the audience on the platforms where your content is published by responding to comments and addressing any queries or feedback.

  7. Continuously Seek New Opportunities: Explore new local websites, directories, and industry-specific platforms where you can contribute content and earn backlinks. Stay proactive in seeking out collaborations and building relationships with influential websites in your industry.

Too Busy? Get An Agency

Finding the best Local SEO company in Malaysia can be a daunting task. Look for agencies with a solid reputation, a portfolio of successful clients, and a clear understanding of your business’s needs.

It’s always a good choice to go for agencies that specialise in certain niches like Hypercharge, where we focus on healthcare. These agencies understands the ins-and-outs of your business without too much of communication and error. In short, they know what they’re doing.


Local SEO in Malaysia is not just an option but a necessity in the current digital landscape. It not only improves visibility but also boosts the bottom line. To get started, focus on optimising your online presence for local searches, engage with your local community, and consistently provide valuable content. Remember, it’s not about quick wins but building a sustainable, long-term strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the four types of SEO available in Malaysia?
  • Local SEO: Optimises your business for a specific geographic location.
  • Organic SEO: Involved strategies to improve your site’s visibility on search engines across the globe.
  • Technical SEO: Focuses on improving the backend structure and foundation of your website.
  • E-commerce SEO: Involves optimising e-commerce websites to improve their visibility and drive online sales
How much is SEO marketing in Malaysia?

The cost of SEO services in Malaysia varies widely, depending on the complexity of your website, competition in your industry, and the specific SEO company you hired. A typical range could be anywhere from RM 1,000 to RM 5,000 per month

Is doing local SEO worth it?

Absolutely. Local SEO is vital for businesses targeting a specific geographical area. It not only helps you rank higher in local search results but also brings you closer to your customers. It is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized business

What is local SEO vs SEO?

While traditional SEO focuses on improving your site’s visibility on a global scale, local SEO targets search results in specific geographic locations. The objective of local SEO is to make your business more visible to people searching for services or products in your area

How do I start local SEO?

Starting with local SEO involves several steps. First, you must claim and optimise your Google Business Profile. Then, focus on keyword locally, creating local landing pages, getting your business on local directories, and generating positive customer reviews. It’s also crucial to ensure your website is mobile-friendly

Can you do local SEO without a website?

While having a website is beneficial for local SEO, it is not strictly necessary. You can still establish an online presence and rank in local searches using platforms like Google Business Profile, social media, and local directories. However, having a website gives you more control over your brand image and online messaging

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